Enhancing Safety and Community Policing at the University of Maryland
In 2021, University of Maryland president Darryll J. Pines “...charged a Community Policing Task Force to provide recommendations to enhance public and community policing to help move our campus toward more collaborative and trusting partnerships between our public safety officials and our university community.” In March 2022, President Pines outlined 21 recommendations for implementation that were outlined in the Task Force’s report. In addition, President Pines announced the establishment of a Campus Safety Advisory Council (CSAC) that would include undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff. The CSAC meets at least once per semester.
Action Progress
In Progress16
Sustained Commitment/CompletedGeneral Campus and Community Recommendations
Engage mental health personnel to serve as first responders for mental health calls
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Student Affairs
Action Status
UMD is hiring an in-house team of mental health clinicians who will respond to mental health emergencies along with the first responders. The team will be called the Mental Health Emergency Assessment and Response Team (MHEART). New procedures are being implemented for managing mental health transports to better support students in crisis.
Establish equitable, transparent and explicit policy, practices and guidelines regarding security at campus events
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) provides event organizers and venue managers with strategies for safe and successful events, including those that reduce the need for onsite police officers. In Spring 2024, DPS updated its guidelines with input from key stakeholders. The guidelines outline crowd manager requirements, security personnel options (including the use of trained unarmed staff instead of police officers) and other event security considerations and are posted on the DPS website.
Develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Division of Student Affairs and the Department of Public Safety to develop a student-centered approach to policing
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
- Division of Student Affairs
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and Division of Student Affairs continue to work in close partnership in responding to student needs. The MOU was completed in Fall 2023 and is posted on the DPS website.
Enhance and more fully implement existing community policing programs
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Community policing entails re-examining or transforming who plays an active role and measures to take in certain situations. The Department of Public Safety, the Division of Student Affairs, and other UMD departments continue to enhance and expand community policing programs. Examples include: 1) the Lights On! program that enables police officers to issue $250 repair vouchers – instead of tickets – to drivers who are pulled over for broken lights or turn signals; 2) the Resident Life Community Engagement Program launched in August 2023 which helps train Resident Assistants to respond in various scenarios instead of police officers; 3) the Mental Health Emergency Assessment and Response Team (MHEART) program currently being implemented in coordination with the Division of Student Affairs (see Task Force Recommendation #1); 4) the Restorative Justice Alternative Resolution Process (RJARP) by the Office of Student Conduct and Office of Rights and Responsibilities as an alternative method for resolving alleged violations (see Task Force Recommendation #7); 5) options for event security such as the use of trained unarmed staff instead of police officers (see Task Force Recommendation #2).
Continue Department of Public Safety meetings with its student advisory committee on a regular basis
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety continues to meet with SGA Student Affairs Committee (SAC), which promotes the general welfare of the student body by working to improve the safety and security of the campus.
Continue regular and ongoing diversity training for police officers
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Action Status
Maryland Police Training Commission requires this training for annual officer certification. Training is next scheduled for Fall 2023.
Establish a program of restorative and transformative justice to establish safety and community in the face of different kinds of harm
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Action Status
The Office of Student Conduct and the Office of Rights and Responsibilities, in the Division of Student Affairs, are implementing a new Restorative Justice Alternative Resolution Process (RJARP) as an alternative option for resolving alleged violations for eligible cases. The Department of Resident Life is incorporating restorative practices into its community building efforts and community development strategy. In Summer 2024, Student Affairs will begin training staff on strategies for community building as part of their restorative justice approach.
Revise the Department of Public Safety mission statement to align more closely with the mission of the university
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Mission Statement revised in Spring 2023 to be:
The mission of the University of Maryland Department of Public Safety is to serve the university community, to protect life and property, and to uphold the law, all within a supportive, respectful and inclusive environment.
Our values include professionalism, impartiality, empathy, and accountability.
We are committed to the concept of community policing and work collaboratively to nurture partnerships, strengthen trust, and enrich quality of life.
Recommendations for Police Training, Policies and Practices
Continue to conduct annual in-service training for all officers on de-escalation, anti-discrimination, anti-retaliation, anti-harassment, use of force, implicit bias, equity, diversity and inclusion
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Action Status
Annual training is required for all officers to maintain certification. Training is next scheduled for Fall 2023.
Continue to require mental health screenings for all police officers prior to hiring
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Mental health screening for all police officers prior to hiring is an ongoing practice required by Maryland law. The Department of Public Safety remains in compliance. A greater focus is being placed on providing support for officer wellness, with additional support steps underway.
Continue training Department of Public Safety personnel on appropriate defensive tactics
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Officers complete regular training on these issues. Maryland Police Training Commission (MPTC) requires 18 hours annually. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) meets or exceeds all requirements. Training is next scheduled for Fall 2023. DPS has a team of officers trained in crisis intervention who handle mental health calls for service.
Create and maintain coordinated protocols for cross-jurisdictional incidents with Prince George’s County, Riverdale Park and Maryland Park and Planning
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
UMD has memorandums of understanding (MOU) with Prince George's County and Riverdale Park. MOU with the Maryland-National Capital Park Police is in progress. MOU with the Maryland Transit Administration for the Purple Line planned for completion prior to start of Purple Line operations.
Review the use of tasers, non-lethal weapons and increase the use of non-sworn staff for routine patrols
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) established a taser pilot program in August 2022 which is ongoing. Per the recommendation, DPS continues to increase the use of non-sworn officers. In Fall 2023, they hired 80 additional students who are specially trained to conduct routine patrols of campus.
Review current procedures for reporting departmental statistics and implement a website that allows public access to this data
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Reviewing procedures for reporting Department of Public Safety statistics; planned website redesign will update and enhance communication of departmental statistics.
Implement Department of Public Safety policy and procedures to ensure better publicity of departmental resources and reports
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The task force specifically recommended Department of Public Safety (DPS) participation in student orientation. The Chief of Police and other officers participate in all student orientations (18 sessions in 2023), covering a range of topics from DPS services and organizational structure to safety measures, including response to hate bias incidents. DPS also participates actively in parent orientations (30 sessions in 2023).
Review Department of Public Safety modes of notifying campus and community members about on- and off-campus incidents
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety reviewed procedures for notifying the community about incidents. All-clear alerts now include more detailed summaries. Subsequent developments after the all-clear are posted to the DPS website.
Review the number of blue light cameras and off-campus lighting
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
UMD and its partners are committed to addressing safety needs for the campus community. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) worked with the Student Government Association and others to review the number of blue light phones and coverage was found to be sufficient. In addition, DPS proactively checks blue light phone functionality on a monthly basis. Facilities Management also regularly surveys and addresses campus lighting issues, and the City of College Park helps to review and address lighting concerns located off-campus.
Publicly report contracts and other agreements UMD has with Prince George’s County and other police departments
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
Current agreements with other police departments are posted on the Department of Public Safety website.
Create a program to bolster communication and knowledge between the Department of Public Safety and the campus community, explore opportunities for this to be a for-credit program
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
In Spring 2024 and in partnership with the Department of Public Safety (DPS), the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences launched a new for-credit course, SOCY244: Bridging Perspectives: Critical Conversations Between Students and Police. DPS also hosted a non-credit Citizens' Police Academy in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. Another Citizens’ Police Academy and Bridging Perspectives course are scheduled for Spring 2025.
In addition, DPS bolsters communication, knowledge, and collaboration through its active outreach, engagement and partnership with the campus community, including the Division of Student Affairs (see Task Force Recommendation #3) and the Student Government Association (see Task Force Recommendation #5). Direct stakeholder input on concerns and proposed solutions underpins UMD’s strides in community policing (see Task Force Recommendation #4).
Consider developing contracts for temporary assignments for officers with outside agencies to promote professional development
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
The Department of Public Safety participates in professional development opportunities offered by federal agencies, Maryland State Police and other entities, including the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (MDICAC) with the Maryland State Police; FBI Cross Border Task Force-Safe Streets; and United States Secret Service National Capital Region Cyber Fraud Task Force (NCRCFTF).
Implement a policy for uniform business cards for all Department of Public Safety personnel to include resources for registering complaints or compliments
Responsible University Partner
- Division of Administration
Action Status
New business cards are being issued with an updated design and the new mission statement (see Task Force Recommendation #8). The cards include identifiable information about the officer and contact information for complaints, compliments, and employment opportunities.
Campus Safety Advisory Council
The Campus Safety Advisory Council advises university leadership on matters related to implementing recommendations of the Report of the Task Force on Public Safety and Community Policing, as outlined by President Pines on March 17, 2022
Responsible University Partner
- Co-Chairs: Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer; Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Action Status
After its December 2022 kickoff, the council convened again in February and April 2023. It plans to meet at least once each semester.